I know I have told you before on here that strength training is the key to weight loss. I train people via the many distance-based tools available: telephone, Skype, internet, email, webcam, etc. How do I make sure that you are doing what I say?
First, I send you a workout. Second, I make you Skype or turn on a webcam. You get to show me how you intend to do the basic moves in your workout before weight is applied. We work this way to make sure that you know the key parts of good form, and the critical things not to do.
Now, I have added something for those of you who do not train with me. Next month I will be adding some items to my Go To Training account for everyone! :) Please clap excitedly now...
I will go through the bodybuilding bible, otherwise known as Strength Training Anatomy, and demonstrate the moves discussing form. I will also put up a fun little contraindications to exercise quiz that you may take for free...or, maybe I'll make you at least subscribe to this blog...or something. We will see when it is up.
If you want a chance to get your BCA completed for free, email your questions to information@haneylifestylemanagement.com with a subject of "Wednesday Question" or similar so that I can figure out that is what you want. I answer one question the next week, and that submitter gets a free Warrior caliper and Orbi-Tape set!
Until then, keep training and send me your questions!
OOh, and I have some good journal review items for tomorrow...
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