
Mission to Mars

Since I am part of the Mars food study, today's nutrition fact is being replaced by a way to stock up for emergencies and cook daily with THRIVE foods from JustAddWater.me:

"The THRIVE food line consists of the same foods you would purchase at the market—fruits, veggies, meats, beans, grains, dairy, and the basics—only with THRIVE you don’t have to dash to the store every time you run out of essential ingredients such as eggs or milk." Read More...

I believe in these foods as they are as close to fresh as you can get if there is no fresh available. They are also a great, cost-saving way to help cook in your daily life. See how I use them here.

See you Thursday with a quick refresher on how your lower extremities work together, thanks to the ACSM Journal! :)


Lifting 101

I know I have told you before on here that strength training is the key to weight loss. I train people via the many distance-based tools available: telephone, Skype, internet, email, webcam, etc. How do I make sure that you are doing what I say?

First, I send you a workout. Second, I make you Skype or turn on a webcam. You get to show me how you intend to do the basic moves in your workout before weight is applied. We work this way to make sure that you know the key parts of good form, and the critical things not to do.

Now, I have added something for those of you who do not train with me. Next month I will be adding some items to my Go To Training account for everyone! :) Please clap excitedly now...

I will go through the bodybuilding bible, otherwise known as Strength Training Anatomy, and demonstrate the moves discussing form. I will also put up a fun little contraindications to exercise quiz that you may take for free...or, maybe I'll make you at least subscribe to this blog...or something. We will see when it is up.

If you want a chance to get your BCA completed for free, email your questions to information@haneylifestylemanagement.com with a subject of "Wednesday Question" or similar so that I can figure out that is what you want. I answer one question the next week, and that submitter gets a free Warrior caliper and Orbi-Tape set!

Until then, keep training and send me your questions!

OOh, and I have some good journal review items for tomorrow...

BCAA's - What do you need?

Your basic BCAA (branch chain amino acid) requirements come from multiple sources, summarized in an fao.org page here. Additional information used here comes from a Journal of Nutrition publication here. Both utilize the WHO tables.

Great, what is a BCAA and why do I care?

BCAA's are the building blocks of protein. Any protein. And, in order to build muscle in your body, you need to ingest these. So, technically, you are what you eat. Of note, if you short yourself on carbs, some proteins are deaminated into glucose for cellular energy. This is bad for both the reason that toxic ammonia is a byproduct and that you are now shorting your tissue repair process its proteins. BCAA's in your meal become your body tissues within four hours.

Why four hours?

BCAA's only circulate in your body for four hours trying to match up with each other, after that any remaining unpaired ones are excreted from your body. Wasted food if you ask me. Think High School biology here. Remember DNA base pairs? A only pairs with T and C with G, etc. All ingested proteins are composed of three base pair amino acids. Which, while interesting to biochemists, is really more than you need to know.

So, what do I need to know?

Of the 22 BCAA, there are 11 that concern us as muscle building, fat reducing humans. Muscle building seems to focus on Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. Luckily, the WHO (World Health Organization) has paid people much smarter than me to tell you that the basic requirements for an adult are (in daily mg/kg of body weight):

Histiane: trace
Isoleucine: 9.5mg
Leucine: 12.5mg
Lysine: 9.4mg
Mehtionine: 12.1mg (Cystine may make up 80 to 89% of this.)
Phenylalanine: 12.1mg (Tyrosine may make up 70 to 75% of this.)
Threonine: 6.5mg
Tryptophane: 2.9mg
Valine: 10.7mg
(You can see this and the child/infant/etc. tables in the first link.)

Ok, so how do I use this?

The easiest way is to just eat complete proteins. They have all of these in them in sufficient quantity. Remember the four hour circulation time? Yep, multiple small meals a day is staring to make even more sense now, huh? Well, in order to see what you are eating, I will again refer you to one of my favorite online resources for those things that enter your mouth (at meal time): NutritionData.com 

While their front page is always the same, boring black eyed peas, I have now found this useful. (You need an item with protein to see the data.) Click on the title that says "Black Eyed Peas." When the page loads, there are two graphs I want you to look at. The first says "Nutrient Balance" and the second "Protein Quality." In the first is the blue pie slice labeled "Pr" for protein. Genius, I know. In the second is what comprises that protein. THE KEY: AS LONG AS THE PROTEIN QUALITY IS BLUE FOR ALL 11, YOU HAVE A COMPLETE PROTEIN. If you take nothing else away, remember this. If it is not, combine protein sources for each meal until you have all blue. :) This is the easiest way I can tell you to do it short of writing a program. Maybe, someday, I will get to that part of my to-do list. EVERY FOUR HOURS, COMPLETE PROTEIN. Ok, so two things you have to remember.

Uhm, you said daily requirements; what if I work out?

See, I knew you were smart. :) Ok. This is what I have worked on. You know all of those supplements out there? I have yet to find one that follows the WHO set. So, something I am not aware of may be at work here. (i.e. use this part at your own risk and do some research)

Given: Proteins are 4 cal/gr, and you can measure how many calories you burn exercising.
BMR: The "average joe" needs 25% of calories from protein. More for weight loss, less for weight gain. This follows for your workout calories as well.

Take your energy expended from the workout (Ew) and multiply it by 20% to get your protein caloric requirement in grams (Pg). So, we have Ew * .2 = Pg. Stick with me...I need to get to milligrams, means: Ew * 200 = Pmg. Sweet. Now you know how much protein you need.

Now, here is the sticky, gray area. And, if you hate math, you may want to skip this.

ASSUMING (I know I hate the word too, but don't have the research to know for sure) that you need the same mix of BCAA's (same relative quantities) then you can find the individual requirements using:

Pmg / 75.5 * BCAAmg = BCAA requirement : 75.5mg is the total from the daily and converts the protein to a relative 1. Then you multiply by the mg stated for each specific BCAA to get that specific BCAA mg requirement. This at least lets you check out the supplement labels with a little more knowledge. On supplements, one last thing, avoid hydrolyzed...the process tends to render the BCAA's useless. Just saying...

Or, ignore the math and just eat a hard boiled egg with some black eyed peas.


Posts Back on Schedule

Good afternoon!

If you read the press release, you can see that I have been busy, but not to fear, I will be posting as scheduled again starting this week.

I am also happy to announce that, among all of the swirling chaos lately, the Lifestyle Shop is opening tonight! What you can do there:

Current subscribers: Pay for your training subscriptions.
Potential subscribers: Download and upload all of the required screening forms, (Please remember these are propriatary.) and request an account.
Anyone: Purchase select items of my choosing! Yep, I get all the say here. Isn’t that great? Anything on the store has my approval and I believe in it.

So, that about sums it up. Time to start working on the posts for the rest of the week…want a sneak peek?

Tuesday – BCAA’s: What, When and How

You’ll have to wait for the rest! ;)

Have a great week.


Meet Our Workout Buddies

Trainers don't typically workout alone in a dark corner of the gym...and neither do we. So, to round out our posts even more, we have given our gym rat workout buddies ability to post. At least until they embarass us too much. ;)

These are not people who pay us or who we pay. They are the friends and family who inspired this company and are still there pumping the iron and logging the miles with us. So, enjoy what they post...if they do...we caught them off guard with this! Heehee

Since they are not part of the company (Haney Lifestyle Management), anything they say is not to be construed as advice by the company, representation of the company or anything other than anthor person's opinion...take it or leave it at your own discretion. None of us, nor them, are liable for your decisions. :D Hey, we have to keep the frivolous lawsuits at bay somehow.

To a happy and healthy weekend!


Obesity Levels Scare Us

Corporate is usurping the Daily Fact today. We just read a piece in the Boston Herald that startled even us: 42% American adult obesity is predicted by 2030. It's time to take personal responsibility and get yourself back in shape. Let's change this statistic - starting tomorrow, we will give you your second 30 days free. Look for it on the website under discounts starting at midnight MDT. Restrictions apply, don't forget to read the fine print.


DF - Travel and Workouts

Just because you are paying the airlines extra to lug your suitcase around does not make the act of carrying said suitcase your only required exercise when traveling. :)

How to get around the lethargy when out of town? Easy. Two very simple steps:

1. Go to a national club at home, or one with reciprocity, that lets you workout for free or at a highly discounted rate where you travel most. When you travel often, I fail to see how belonging to a local club makes sense...unless that is the only option in a small town. If this is the case, book a hotel with a weight room. You can run or bike outside. Yes, in the rain, sun, snow...etc. Or, go to the local YMCA.

2. Pack one set of workout clothes, and don't forget the shoes. Don't pack more than this if you are having difficulty getting the one workout in. After you have had to wash your workout clothes more than once on a trip, you are justified in packing more. Period. I find that I feel more obligated to workout if I only have one set to use. I can't just ignore it. I've used everything else in the bag, it must be used as well. If I pack a bag full of gear, I start thinking, "Well, I don't think I'll workout enough to use all of this...so, maybe I can just skip today's workout and watch TV."

Yes. It happens to all of us; even personal trainers are not immune.

Oh, and since Zumba counts as a workout...if all else fails, go dance...yes, at a club. Just don't drink the empty carbs. At least then you are moving! :)

Have a great week. (If you can't tell, I am still traveling.)



Alright, so when you read this, I will probably be on a plane. :) Don't worry, I scheduled it for you ahead of time.

I will be at the Health Fair in Jackson Hole, Wyoming on 5 May at Snow King! Stop by my booth for your FREE BCA. That is right. All day, all I am doing. You don't get to take home my calipers and tape measure, but you can enter to win a set by subscribing to my monthly client newsletter. You get the same information my BCA Clients do...printed out in our easy to read format to do with as you please. I recommend framing it. Seriously. Then, as you progress through your workout plan, you can cherish it as the "old you." It works better than a picture and you don't have to let others see the "before" picture.

Have a great weekend!


DF - Counting Calories Doesn't Always Work

...regardless of which diet you are on. Yes, even you out there thinking, "I never diet." By diet , I am referring to those items you choose to put into your mouth every day. We are all on a diet (noun), we are not all dieting (verb). It's ok, stick with me here.

I hate dieting. Never done it; never will. And, I have the figure I want. Go ahead and be mad. I pay attention to my DIET. If you try this, you will never need to diet (verb) again. Forget all of those two-word, three syllable agencies out there to help you, temporarily - at least until the holiday binge, shed weight.

You body's metabolism hinges on what it takes in. While you may never be an elite athlete, you can get your body to start feeding your fat cells to your muscle cells...no, you won't look like Arnold (ladies), and I am sorry but you won't look like Arnold overnight (men). Lean muscle is needed to move your skeleton, provide shape to your body and a couple of other things. Bodybuilding is it's own monster for another day.

When you exercise, your muscle cells need nutrition to rebuild. If they are eating, your fat cells can't if there isn't enough food to go around...see where this is going...ok. Now, in order to feed the machine correctly, and get the greatest benefit out of exercise, you need to eat the right calories. Oh. That again. I didn't say don't count. I just said counting doesn't always work. Why? Example time:

Person 1 and 2 each "need" 2000 calories a day (for this example just push I believe here).

Person 1 has an iPhone and an app that tracks total calories throughout the day. Simple, single entry processing. Person 1 is not getting any smaller one month later.

Person 2 has a Samsung Android phone (yes, I have this jealously right now...want one) and MyPersonalDiet. I love this software. Sorry, shameless plug for something I don't make money off of. They only know me as that lady who had to beg for a new product key when she re-loaded windows. Person 2 has lost 4-6 pounds in a month. This is a healthy rate...please don't listen to anyone who says that they can do more than 1-2 pounds per week. You may get a bit higher in the beginning with water weight loss, but not much. You may even get heavier at first with muscle weight...remember the muscle has to steal the food from the fat to starve those cells.

So, what makes that software great? Nothing you can't do on your own. It just makes it easier. You need the correct combination of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins in your Diet (noun) to properly feed your lean muscle mass based on your exercise and your goals. For your average person, the ratio breaks down into: 20% protein, 55% carbohydrates, 25% fat...so, based on many dieting (verb) ideals people out there are eating horribly while dieting. Then they quit, and wonder why: A. They don't feel better and B. The diet (noun) they use isn't working. Weight loss and weight gain change these numbers, so do kids and athletes. So, a full BCA and a plan is the best place to start. But, at least now you are better prepared.


DF: Weight Lifting Works

More than anything, lifting weights (with a proper routine and form) recruits the most muscle mass. This results in the best possible rate of fat loss. Ever wonder why that guy you see running at 5am every day looks like a fat, skinny guy? This is why.

To start, pick up Strength Training Anatomy. Find one exercise in each section, and PAY ATTENTION to the warnings about posture/form. How many reps and sets? Well, that depends on what you are trying to accomplish. For weight loss, the standard 3x10 is not a bad place to start for the self-trained. If you don't know what you are doing, or are scared of the weight room, pay a trainer for one session to show you around or complete one of our Weight Training Familiarity workshops.


DF: Scales Lie

There have been a number of discussions lately in the personal trainer circles I run in about clients stepping on the scale and hating the numbers. Scales Lie.

Yes, the scale provides you an answer. No, it is not the answer to the question you are asking. It is telling you exactly (depending on calibration) how much the muscles, fat, bones, mucous, water, etc. in your body weighs standing on the surface of the Earth at that precise moment. If you were standing on Mars, it would tell you something different; seriously. And, in 5 minutes? Who knows. As water is 1 pound per pint, if you haven't peed since you drank two glasses...you see where this is going, right?

The question you are asking yourself is, "Am I fat?" or "How is my body doing?" The answer you are getting is 42.

Ok. So, now that we have sorted that out. Promise me you will no longer use the scale for this. The scale will give you one piece of information in a Body Composition Analysis - and that is a starting point to subtract other items to get your lean muscle mass. PLEASE quit asking the scale questions it can't answer.

Now. What can answer those burning questions about fat and body composition? Well, the best answer is a full BCA. If you don't want to shell out for one, (I promise you it is worth it.) then at least buy yourself a set of calipers and a soft tape measure. Learn to use the calipers and write down your fat % and your measurements for your neck, arms forearms, chest (below the breasts ladies), waist, hips, thighs, calves. (Just use the right side of your body.) Pick one day of the week. Pick one time. Complete this every week at said time on said day. This will tell you how your body is adapting to any exercise you are (or are not) doing. Oh, and if you must climb on the scale, take the caliper percent body fat, subtract it from 100, and multiply the answer by your total mass to get your lean muscle mass. Yes, this includes bone too, but you have to feed those cells as well. ;)

Or, just sign up for a BCA today. The initial one includes the calipers and tape measure - and your first 4 weekly updates. After that each four week segment is a follow-up at a lower price.

To kicking the scale habit...

New Blog Schedule

Finally, our updated blog schedule (NEW ITEMS!):

1. Daily Lifestyle Fact - Tuesday and Thursday 10am MDT. Tuesdays will cover nutrition/diet and Thursdays will cover lifestyle/exercise.

2. Your Question - Wednesday 12pm MDT. Submit your question on our website or on Facebook for the trainer to answer! If your question is used, you will receive a FREE BCA including the Defender calipers and Orbi-Tape to keep!

3. News Supplement - Friday 8am MDT.  You'll get a digest version of what we found pertinent in leading journals and news sources.

Defender and Orbi-Tabe are trademarks of Sequoia Fitness. We are authorized dealers.


DF 6.3.12 - Macro- and Micro- Nutrients

Not sure what these terms are or how they apply to what you eat? Here's a quick little primer:

Macro-nutrients: Corbohydrates, Fats and Proteins. Macro-nutrients comprise the calories in a food. Carbohydrates and Proteins are 4 calories per gram. Fats are 9 calories per gram. The correct mix of these is determined by many factors, including gender and activity level. Get a BCA or contact a Dietician for more information.

Micro-nutrients: Your vitamins and minerals, for the most part. Think arsenic and mercury kill you? While high amounts are toxic, the trace amounts which naturally occur in food are used by your body. :)

As a good resource for more information, we like Nutrition Data.

Happy Tuesday!

(Links open a new window and leave this site.)


Lab Rat 1.2 - End of the rat

I realize the lab rat has been quiet. This is two-, or maybe even three-, fold depending on how you look at it. So, after much work, it has come to an end. I will tell you why at the end of this post if you just have to know. The best part for you, however, is that I will get to create it for one of you for free. That is right, free...because I like the topic so much. To become the new Rat, you will have to meet all of our standard acceptance requirements for training, and have you ob/gyn's approval. That said, send me a note via our website with your current stage of pregnancy and why you are interested. (Remember this is a post-partum Rat.) I will then discuss with you further what the specific requirements will be.

Why did I stop?

1 & 2. Between kiddo sickness and the holidays' schedule, I could not provide a workout with conclusive and imperical results.

3. I am now into the triathlon season, which requires a more complex and tailored workout of a different nature...which really makes me think I was right when wondering if I was not the best candidate to represent an average Rat in the first place.

So, please email if interested and we can get this Rat back up and running!


Daily Lifestyle Fact - 10.1.12

Made a New Years' Resolution to work out, but still haven't started? You still have 51 weeks (98.1% of the year) left to obtain your goal! That's still an A to us on your resolution report card.

Not sure where to start? Ask you local gym or try out our plans. Just get moving - try Googling "recommended weekly exercise" and you will find plenty of free advice.