
Nothing to Report

Kids + Web Design work = no progress on the annual plan. We are all affected by life. But, I am going to get the spreasheet done and will post some more info tonight! :) Deviate from your plan, don't just toss it in the trash can.

Oh, and I just realized as well...I tend post the next day. So while this post is about day -4, I am sitting in day -3.


Planning Begins

Day -5
The first thing I do is head to the websites and download the races schedules for the series I plan on doing. I have uploaded my word doc so that you can see how much of a rough draft this is. Right now the MCCS series is being posted, so I will have to add that later. I will grab last year's dates as a place holder. And, I still need to print the INBA Natural Bodybuilding schedule. While dates may change throughout the year, at least you will have a point to deviate from. I will update the upload at the same location as it progresses (just in case you plan on racing in Hawaii, San Diego and on the East Coast). ;)

Now what do I do with these? Well, that will happen tonight and I will post then. :) baby steps...


Days -7 and -6

Yes, you read that right. The plus a week is coming at the beginning. Why? Glad you asked! I am doing what I normally do at the start of the year: a cleanse. That will be finished Monday, my rest day. Don't worry, there will be more this week. Since I don't workout this week, I do all (or most) of my annual planning. Oh yeah. And, I will post it here as I go starting tomorrow with day -5 ;) I wouldn't get you all wound up then leave you waiting a week for anything to happen.

28 Days (plus a week) Begins!

Technically, this began yesterday, 1 January. But, I got behind so you get it today. :) Four weeks of my workouts. Yep, exactly what I do each day. Just remember, this is only for informational purposes; not a recommendation for you. Oh, and the plus a week will be obvious in the first post coming as soon as I send this. ;) I am going to be testing some items I have sitting around as well...you'll have to watch to find out.

Also, follow how I use THRIVE each day for the first 28 days on my Shelf Reliance Independent Consultant blog. And, if that is not enough to keep me busy, follow our preps to sail across the pacific in June on my personal blog Raising Poseidon. Alright. So, off to write the first two days of posts! Cheers!